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First Addn. To South La Jolla Block 11 Card 1

FIRST ADDN. TO SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK 11 CARD 1.tif FIRST \DDITIOL TC:L Vi'li LA ~OLLA riLCCK 11 Card # 1 SJ Lots 2, 4, and a pro. of 6-:i ernd. t to Harriet C r~eland hv.-;e to Gi vide aaid property into. (' two,:i.rcels, eachfrcnting on ~livet:.:.s::.t. and cont'linin1c not less thw 5,000 s:1.:t. and to cons~ruct two res. 011 each p;_,rcel, J-.; . cor. of Llivetas c': i.renc:s.-----------------------~,i.~s~I=,_.__2k9_Q,________:z_=.i..;,,::~:____________ Nly cf Lots 21;;.,nd 23- lermit, conditional, "to Carl anQ,Luth G-e,Llt to erect a sire place ;ith 5110 11 setback, corner cf Sea Lane And i.:cm.e ista._____________________.,i\.,..F'c,,;''Ll&...Ji,2c.L7-L7-'5'----- 1-14-48 Lots 2,4--------..Hllli~~ and(;:,r of b- Ext of 6 month,, on ztes:.o 2490 (c.bove) gr nted to n,crriet Copel2j1d h_o_. 29i9______1cc-=--1..,o.c-"'4""8"'------------ Lots 2 & 4 (por) Llivetas st., en a1; Perrr,it to,i.obert J. & Sliz. 1::itirnkorb to cone' t r,:;s,dti.1 8 1 SB on Su cor Glivetas & Dur,emere Urive.----------------------~s_ Lo. St:;91 l-'l-'i5 Lot 19, per Lots 17,21,23-?errr,it to,aul,~. ~>.ncher, odner &;,erome D &...,el.ores G ioung pruch. to const. librctry c: b,_:th add to exist fam res obs 4 1 sideyd, ada ~o cbs all yd re uireuents at 7253;, onte Vista Ave., il.-1. 1;0 He,iring. ~ '3510 d-0-6O Por Lots 3 & 5, all of Lots 7, 9, 11- Permit DENIED to Dr. Charles & Mrs. Julie Fitch to con 2-story, 25' x 52' addn (1st floor family shop, & wine cellar, 2nd floor, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath) to exist sin fam dwell. bs O' rear yd where 20' req. at 7231 Monte Vista Ave. NE cor at intersect w Map 891, R-1-5 Zone c-10839 11-15-71 aoove Appealed 12-27-71 and was DENIED 31-,c,4.--++,~ decision of the Zoning Administrator was- sustained and affirmed. 1-7-72 1:o~?i~ii\ ~i'?iii~ t~b11i~~to1ai~11.A~d&2D!N~tD appeal 11/15/71