First Addn. To South La Jolla Block 3 Card 2
FIRST ADDN. TO SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK 3 CARD 2.tif ~IRS, ADDITION iO SOUTH LA JOLLA FlLOCK 3 CARD #2._!4 Lots 21 & 23- ZA considered AMENDED request of JAMES STEPHEN QUINN to I) constr. 69.5 sq. ft. kitchen addn to existing one-story, SFD; addn to observe a 5IJO" street side yd where a 10' street side yd is reqd; & 2) erect 45 1 of 6 1 high solid wood fence observing a 5'10" Street side yd where a 3 1 hi fence is the max. permitted within the reqd street side yd at 369 Belvedere Avenue, Zone Rl-5000, cond. C-18631 11 /16/84-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 21 & 23- ZA APPROVED request of JAMES STEPHEN QUINN to construct a 179 sq. ft. addn. to an existing nonconforming guest quarters attached to 2-car garage; addn. to obs. a 3 1 611 rear yard where a 4 1 rear yd. is reqd. at 369 Belvedere Ave., Zone Rl-5000, cond. c-18642 11116/84