First Addn. To South La Jolla Map 891 Block 1 Card 1
FIRST ADDN. TO SOUTH LA JOLLA MAP 891 BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif FIRST ADDITION TO SOUTH LA JOLLA, MAP #891 W. 50' of Lots 21 & 23- AGREEMENT to Jack M. & Denyse B. Atkins to add bath & Laundry rm to exist garden house at 359 Belvedere, Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2248 2/24/77------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Portion of un-numbered tract (Grant Deed #173211)- Permit to Herbert H & Donna P Boynton, DENIED to const 2nd fl bedroom & bath add., 354 Vista Case #15714 1/26/79 Qe_l.1t_El,q_~q, 4QQ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 24 & 22- ZA DENIED request of MAURICE W. JOHNS to erect approx. JOO' of 6 1 high block wall observing at the closest point a O' front yd on Westbourne St. & Monte Vista Ave where a max 3' high wall is permitted in the reqd 15' front yd at 366 Westbourne St., Zoned R-1-5 C-18494 6/3/84