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First Addn. To South La Jolla Map 891 (Unnumbered Tract)(Neptune Rupes)Card 4

FIRST ADDN. TO SOUTH LA JOLLA MAP 891 (UNNUMBERED TRACT)(NEPTUNE RUPES)CARD 4.tif-. FIRST ADDITION TO SOUTH.LA JOLLA. Map 891 (Unnumbered Tract) (Neptune Rupes L. card f/44'" Portions- ZA APPROVED request for an amendment to C-14800 from PAUL A. PETERSON to construct a 6' high fence or wall within 2'-0'' of the front property line, along the easterly 40' where a 15' front yard setback is established, located at 7020 Neptune Place, zoned Rl-5000 Amendment is to maintain 35' of 6' to 61 611 high, solid wall observing a 0' front yard at the closest point consisting of two, 8' high, columns with connecting redwood rafters above, and a 6'6" high wood gate observing a l'-4'' to 6'-7'' front yard, with conds. C-14800 1/17/89 J?ortion of Lot 2 & 4- Pennission is granted to ANN V. KERR, Owner/Pennittee to construct a Coastal Developnent located at 410 Westboume St., between r-bnte Vista and La Jolla Blvd. within the La Jolla Ccmnunity Planning area,R-1-5000 zone. CDP 91-0201 5/29/91 Portions of unnumbered trat. and Neptune Rupes- Pennission granted to PADL & BARBAR/\ PETERSON, OWner/Lessee to construct a coastal develorent located at 7020 Neptune Place, between Westbourne St and Belvedere St., R-\-'5()O0. CDP 91-0371 8/28/91