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First Addn. To South La Jolla Unnumbered Tract Card 1

FIRST ADDN. TO SOUTH LA JOLLA UNNUMBERED TRACT CARD 1.tif FIRST ADDITION TO SOUTH LA JOLLA UNNUMBERED TRACT fl' Permit to Robert J. Stirnkorb to divide into 3 par unnum. tr. N. of Beach Way, closed, & Wly of Neptune Pl, Wend of Fern Glen. Res. 6245 3-11-52--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit to Peter & Leila H. Lewis to constr addn to exist res having 0' side yd & 12 1 611 rear yd; condl. at 303 Sea Lane. Res. 8306 6-23-54--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit to Peter & Leila H. Lewis to constr addn to exist res having 0' side yd; addn to obs 8 1 SB from edge of exist bank; 303 Sea Lane. Res. 8307 6-23-54 Permit to Guy & Carol W. Stillman to constr detached garage on parcel w/exist single fam res, result in approx 42% coverage where 40% perm; 6048 Neptune Pl betw Westbourne St & Fern Glen St, Zone R-1. Case No. 5805 7-2-63 The Z.A. considered application of Mr. & Mrs. Guy Stillman to dev open air parking area in front yd & maintain parking spaces for 3 automobiles; 7068 Neptune Pl betw Westbourne & Fern Glen Sts; Zone R-1-5; DENIED 3 spaces but APPROVED 2 spaces; Condi. Amended 5-5-67 Case No. 7516 2-4-66 Por of La Playa de las Arenas no full st cov- Ward W. & Patricia Fay Woods- constr 3rd dwell on property; 325 Dunemere Dr, Zone R-1. Agreement #872 2-15-56