Five Creeks
FIVE CREEKS.tif FIVE CREEKS s J~4--1705 Lot 13- ZA APPROVED CUP request of T.C. PARTNERS, A~CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, OvlNERS; SUBHAKAR P. RAO, D.V.M.,LESSEE, to establish a veterinary clinic within an existing commercial building, where such use is permitted by CUP only, located at 8915 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 110, north of Renaissance Ave., CN Zone, Airports Environs Overlay Zone, University Community Planning Area, Council District 1. Conditions. C-20945 5/1/92 Lots 22 through 25- ZA DENIED Sign Variance request of RENAISSANCE VILLAS ASSOCIATES to maintain two-single-faced ground, identification signs, 60 sq. ft. wach (total sign area 120 sq. ft.), where 5 1-3" overall height, encroaching into the public right-of-way where 20 sq. ft. total sign area is permitted on private property but APPROVED two single-faced ground identification signs, 15 sq. ft. each, where 20 sq. ft. total sign area is permitted, located at 5203 and 5210 Fiore Terrace, R-1500 Zone, University Communtiy Planning Area. Conditions, C-21041 12/4/92 lots 22-25- Variance application WITHDRAWN. Penaissance Villas Associates, applicant applied for tw::> variances, it was determined that only one was required. The property is located at 5210 Fiore 'Ierrace, Zone R-1-5000. C-21042 11/13/92