Fleetridge #2 Card 1
FLEETRIDGE #2 CARD 1.tif FLEETRL)Gi UNIT 1-;c. 2 063040 Card No. Let 127- Permit to John C. & Baroara Bowman to erect re;:; with att. carport & nome wkshop:ith 20 1 re 0;.r yard for accessory portion wuere 25 1 is rec.,, c., acc. por. to have total are;c; of 060 s:1 ft wnere 500 s1 ft is r;,errrJ.tted, on "ly side of Hugo 0t., approx, 200 1 'ily from Clove;it, Ca;,;e Lo, 1$1 lJ-9-54 Lot 145- Cond 11 permit to YJ.ller 0, & Eary J. Golden to coflst res & att g,.r., tlie g,J.r to observe 6 1 '.,b on Clove-'t,, wnere 15' is re;., at 1;;, cor of Liggett & Clove, rl-1.___________________________________ \,;.a.s.e.Ko. 55.9__......___p"'2.9c:5.Q_________ Lot 121- Permit to Lee O_.'i.ensberger to convert gr., obs 191 ft. rear yd (25' ret) into playrm & bath, &. at1,ach new gar with no acce;:;s ~ro1a liv unit to gar,::;526 Cia.rrison Zone ii.-1. Case Ho. 2133______.,.1-,.JJc.5_________ Lot 112- Fermit tc David F. & Phyliss J. Brower to canst fireplace addn to front of sing fam dwell; addn to obs. 13 1 SB, where 15 1 is re;., d 3612 Liggett Dr., 75':;est of Garrison St.~l~one, condl..Caae ho, 6264 l-l7-,64_________ Lot 97- Permit to Pauline & Stanley Foster to erect approx 360' of 12' hi chain link fence to encl tennis ct., fence to obs at closest point 0' int side yd where max 6' hi fence is perm within req l' int side yd & 20' rear yd (2' lights to be installed on top of fence, overall ht of lights & fence to bs max 12' hi) at 1452 Carleton Sq. betw Carleton & Fenelon Sts, Zone R-1-5- Cond' 1. C-12, 373 N.B. l~-4-_ij-~-1:f:z,y_________________________________________________________