Fleetridge #5 Card 2
FLEETRIDGE #5 CARD 2.tif F!.EE'l'RIOOE lh (: Card #2 Lots 2 & 3, parcels A-D, DP 389- Permit to Soutn Coast Associates to provide access to parking on eacn lot by private easement at 3638-70 Canon St., soutn of Fenelon St. & east of Del Mar Ave., Zone R-1-5, condl C-9778 4-3-70 '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Lot 211- Permit to George & Beverly Mitchell to constr. fam. room addn. with bar sink & refrig. to exist. single fam. dwel I at 3675 Fenelon St. Zone R-1-5 AGREEMENT 1688 6-14-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 235- Permit to Louis & Jeannette Romani to const storagerm addn (proposed famrm) with' bar sink, 3803 Del Mar Ave, Zone R-1-5, AGREEMENT #2119 11-24-75--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcels A, U, C & D, Division Plat #389 of Resubdivision of LOT 209, LOTS 2 & 3- ZA APPROVED request of Lois D.Goldy & William Goldy, owners; JEM Property Development, Lessee, (1) to erect 180'-0" of retaining wall ranging in height from O'-O" to 6 1-011 in the front yard where maximum 3'-0" high wall is permitted, and erect 115'-0" of retaining wall ranging in height from 2'-0" to 8 1-011 in the interior side yard and (2) construct a driveway across parcels B, C, & D to provide access to four parcels (A thru D), at 3600 block of Canon Street, Zone R-1-5 (Rl-5000). Conditions Cl8553 9/9/84