Fleetridge #7
FLEETRIDGE #7.tif ODJ55&i S m-lb9.3 'Lot 349- Permit to John & '8tricia Seiber to construct 46 1 x 15' family room & bedroom addition to existing siegle family dwelling; addition to obs 18' rear yd where 20' is req at 3951 Liggett Dr., Zone R-1-5. C-9575 N.H. 10-27-69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "\. Lot 347- Z.A. considered appl of Julius H. & Marietta Zolozzi to constr a fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 10' rear yd where 20' is req at 3931 Liggett Dr. betw Varona St. & Point Loma Ave., Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED the appl as req but APPROVED fam rm addn to obs 12' rear yd; condl c-9768 3-26-70 'Lot 348- Permit to James E. & Frances L. Peterson to const a 980 sq. ft. rm addn to the rear of a one-story, sfd, obs an 11' rearyd, re~ in(42~ coverage at 3941 Ligget DrivE?. Zone R-1-5. c-14602. 9-21-77. E-1,-"\"t,HlE070 ~l'l-1\tl) 'i'{lf1,) Lot 317- Permit to Peter M. & Joan V. Grady to change access to an exs two-car garage attached to an exs sfd, res in a 17'8" depth for one parking space. 1141 Fleetridge Drive. R-1-5 Zone. Conditions. C-15333 NH. 7-18-78. Lot- 298- Home Occupation Permit-was-approved-by-SCA,-JENNIFER R.-TATE,-APPLIC"1T,-sougfit- to establish a home occupation deviating from the operational regulations in that (1) client contact is proposed to occur within the home; and (2) to permit one part time employee to be on the premises from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday where home_ occuaption regulations do not normally permit client contact or e~,ployees on the premises, Rl-10,000 Zone 99-0434 5-2.'i>-99