Fleetridge Bayview
FLEETRIDGE BAYVIEW.tif FLEETRlDGE BAYVIEW C(),!)5 S d.04-Jfoqs' \. Lot 6- Permit to Tecn-Bilt, Inc to constr sin fam dwell obs 3.2 1 4 1 is req at 3409 Addfasion St., SEly of Clove St., Zone R-1-5, C-9097 N.H. interior side yd wnere l-2'7-69 '- Lot 11- Permit to Jack and Loos Aalsetn to constr a sin fam dwell witn bar sink in rec room on lower level at 3449 Addison St. Zone R-1-5, AGREE #1'790 8-29-'72 Lot 1- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Manuel S. Vargas to constr 2-story addn to exstg 2-story sgle fam dwell, addn to obs at clst pt a 14'3" rear yd, at 1211 Clove St., Zone R-1-5. Condit. C-15824 3/27/79