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Fleischer's Addn. Block 1

FLEISCHER'S ADDN. BLOCK 1.tif."'LEI~CHSH 1;; ADDb BLGCK 1 ':I 60 1 Lots 11 i: 1~- Fermit to.:.. C. l:ahn to const 9 1xl8 1 &ddn to exist gar flf:r/, which has no SB, addn to have no:Sb, 1002 Hayes:.,t. 2465 lQ-o-48 Lot 4 & Iii 12. 5 1 Lot 5- Fermi t to Cl2rence;- Curran to use this parcel per ii-2 "-'one re- uirement1?.,_37l' ~on 10th_,,_ve, S 428 5-,27-57