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Development Services

Fleischer's Addn. (Lots Without Block Numbers) Card 2

FLEISCHER'S ADDN. (LOTS WITHOUT BLOCK NUMBERS) CARD 2.tif FLEISCHER'S ADDITION (Lots without block numbers) Lot 41- Cond'l pernlit to C. C. A.r;derson, mmer 8, I;lale l.,(nderson, oi:;rator, to do commercial photoe, prir:ting & develop. only, in exist garage at 4045- 8th Ave. Res, #1973 1/3/47 E 10 1 of Lot 43 & W 30 1 of Lot 44- Permit to I. ', iL:ndall to build a res 12 1 from line on ',/ashington,t.,tes. 1,50806 1/15/29---""'"'"'----------"''-- ~ ''-'~----~-.-----"----~ ---~----~--~----'~--~--- Lots 37-39- rermit to Fred B. l:i.tchell to erect apt house with 4 1 SB on 8th & 2 1 SB from turnoff on Cabrillo freeway t()_ '.';ash.?-!'.__ N:l!:_ cor 8th & Washington. Res./2'b587 7 /9/52 Lets 37-39- Permit to Fred B,,._itcr,ell. Co. to erect 22 unit apt,,it,h 12 1 acce.;s, blocked b:,,- 4 1 stairway f., br~dge bet bldgs., 8th & 1i,,shington. r;o793 9/17 /52 Lot,4.0- Permit to Heller Inv, Co, to erect 9 unit, 4 units on lower fl, with 4 1 SB on 8th;.vc., 150 1 IJ of,ashil;g_ton Blvd E o:i,_q_e_ 13tll_.__)}~~.' j 71, 72 ~-_ 2/\8./53 --- Lot 40-?ermit to Heller Inv. Co. to erect 9 unit apt, 4 unit.s on lower i'l, served by 5 1 access under st_a_i~_31z"t9_ St_.,]3 side 01"_ St.h_. Res. f 7171_2/lo/53.---------- Lot 40- 2ermit to A. Louis Solof to const 10-unit apt bldg with 5' SB (Av L') on E side 8th Ave. N. of ',Jashington Freew