Floral Terrace Block 10 Card 2
FLORAL TERRACE BLOCK 10 CARD 2.tif I ~ ~.. 8- - -- FLORAL TERRACE___.,,_,...___ BLOCK 10 CARD #2 Lots 7 and 8- Permit APPROVED by A2A to HOA T. BLEITZ to erect approximately 150' of 5' high chain link fence encroaching into the public right-of-way and observing a 0 1 front yard on Beryl Street where a maximum 3 1 high fence is permitted in the required 15' front yard, located at 2339 Geranium Street, Zone R-1-5. C-18102 NH 7-22-83 Lot 9- Permit APPROVED by A2A to JAMES K. AND DEBRA F. SORENSON to erect approximately 190' of 5' high solid wood fence observing O' front yard on Beryl Street and extending into public right-of-way, where a maximum 3' high fence is permitted in a 15' front yard, located at 2345 Geranium Street, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-18168 NH 9-19-83 Lot 10- CC has DENIED the request of EDWARD SABBAUGH, at 2347 Geranium St., Map 1635, Rl-5000 zone, 30' Coastal Height Limit zone, Prop ''D'' Heitht Limitation area. C-19799 6/6/88 lot 9- ZA APPROVED penru.t for \'ITLLIAM P. AND ANNA HITCHCCCK to maintain a maximum 13'-2" high stairway with railing currently in violation observing a 1'-5" east, side yard where 4'-0" is required; and two bldg. projections on the east side of the bldg. observing a 3'-8" side yard where 4'-0" is required; located at 2345 Geranium St. Rl-5000 zone. Conditions. C-20446 12-22-89--------------------------------------------...-..