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Development Services

Floral Terrace Block 14

FLORAL TERRACE BLOCK 14.tif FLORAL TERRACE BLOCK 14 Lots 13-20- Application of u.s. Financial, owner of Lots 13 & 14 & Stewart Title Co., owner of Lots 15-20 to construct 8 single family dwellings on said lots with wing walls and/or beams connecting each building and resulting in O' side yds where 4' side yds are req in the 2400 block Beryl St., betw Quincy- Randall Sts., Zone R-1-5 was TABLED- Said application was withdrawn on 6-10-69. C-9323 6-27-69 /Lots 1 & 2- Application WITHDRAWN- to construct sin fam dwell on each lot obs 12' front yd where 15' is req on Beryl St. betw Quincy St. & Randall St., Zone R-1-5. C-9716 2-13-70-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------