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Floral Terrace Block 5 Card 2

FLORAL TERRACE BLOCK 5 CARD 2.tif FLORAL TERRACE BLOCK 5 CARD#. Lots 15-16- The Z.A. considered the request ofErnest and cArole Labastida to constr 3 story sin fam dwell (1) obs from 3' to 5' front yard on La France St. where 10' is req; (2) obs an 8 1 front yard on Wil.bur Ave. where 1.5' is req; (3) resul.ting in 43.~ cov where 40% is perm; (4) bl.dg ht to be 43 1 above grade, where 30' is perm; (5) resul.ting in.66 fl.oor area ratio, where.60 is pennon La France st. betw Randall St. and al.ley in the R-l-5 zone and has (1) APPROVED (2) APPROVED (3) APPROVED (4) DENIED (5) DENIED. c-1o628 Amend~;, 11-29-73 ext timE;, to exp 6-13-75 (5-21-74) (!.,n.-....