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Floral Terrace Block 6 Card 1

FLORAL TERRACE BLOCK 6 CARD 1.tif FLOtlAL TERRACE BLOCK #6 $ CARD #1 'l{Lots 3 & 4- Permit DENIED to Guy B. & francoise Brien to erect 3 1 hi masonry wall w/5 1 hi solid wood fence abv area adj to masonry wall to be backfilled resulting in 81 hi wall & fence on top of 5 1 hi bank, obs 6 1 SB from Aster St., where max 3' hi fence permitted in req 15' SB, but APPROVED 3 1 hi retaining wall w/5 1 hi wood fence on top obs 6 1 SB, at 2491 '\ Wilbur Av., SW inter. of Randall St., Zone R-1-5, condl. Case No. 6582 6-25-64 VLots 16 & 17 ~ Permit to Harold G. Smith to const sing fam dwell obs 0 1 front yd on Wilbur Ave. where 15 1 front yd is req, at 2435 Wilbur Ave. betw Aster & La France Sts., Zone R-1-5. ~ L~ts-9&-1O---P~"mi-rto-Mart\7t&Tren_e_Patleti_ch_ tNkons-;~~;-~~st:~~tims1~=~~re-s______.fronting on Aster St. w/5' eaves ob 10 1 frnt yd; 5' deck obs 10 1 frnt yd & 2 1 side yd on us: easterly property line where a max 4' eave;;rojection is perm. in the frnt yd & dilck must obs 15 1 frnt yd & 4' side yd &.(2) 5 to constr 21 1 by 22 1 detached gar obs 51 611 ft yd on Wilbur St. where 15' is req & (1) To ~ <:dnstr 6 1 hi grapestake fence within req 15 1 frnt yd to enclose proposed swimming pool, where 31 lid fence is penn; at 2445 Wilbur Ave. ione R-1-5, was DENIED-- Case 8897 & 8898 10-14-68 ' <'Lots S 1&2- Permit to J. C. & Verna Willison to erect 6 1 high retain wall w/3 1 open fence on top thereof in req frnt yd where 3 1 high retain wall is perm. at 4922 Randall St. betw Wilbur St. & Aster St, Zone 1-1-5 Case 8956 N.H. 10-16-68