Florence Heights Addition
FLORENCE HEIGHTS ADDITION.tif Lot 4- Ferrnit, C(ND'L to Letl A.'---arnL.Sdith:. :alters k alter an 0xi.st. duplex to triplex, making 4 units on prop., 3 to be served by JI access court on each side of exist res, L,073 "rout 'it,reet_ Res 3'lB9 J 2 1-46;,,,.-; Lot 7- [ermit DEl\I.S.iJ to iJonald & Le', forn 0eaburg to consL 4-unit COL.rt apppox 56.6~ cov., 1 unit 011 71 access. c:. side.frcn"-c;t.____ rte~LLQ 61 <13____ l-:-_2J--:5Z._ Lot 6-' Ferrnit to.~c.irb.n L,.nu!..enc1.:.,t. Clair to con3t duplex in rear,1i th 6 1 access,___ t-o-tal... of_J_1dnit..__ Q)}_,;rQIJ,,. 406.> iront,',,t........-:,Els_LQ . 63JlL______ J.::::2-52___________________ Lot 5- Ferniit to Nec1l A. ':alters to const ouplex 3.bove p,ar., to served Ly 71 access, rr,aking 3 uni ts, at 4071:'rant..5t., 3.-4 cond '1.------------------------------ ~2.Q7J________ lQ-,,..1..,-56____________________-.L-Lots 24-25- Permit to Geo. & Penelope Nicnolas to construct 3 story, 15 unit apt provid- ing 8 open parking spaces in front yd obs 13' from face of curb where 18' is req; on 1st Ave. betw Lewis St. & Waanington St., Zone R-4 con:11 4-2J!-?cn~4,,;__,::_:7..:::_~~-~---------------------------------:=:~~:-~:~:-----~=~=~:____ Lot 20- GRANTED to Cyto Biological Labor,a~ries to dev prop as supplemental parking lot to serve Hillcrest No. Medical Center at~ & Washington;- Map 892, at 4022 1st Ave betw Washington St & Lewis St, Zone R-4; Condi. Case No. 11148 C.U.P. 4-17-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >-('"""Lot 21- CUP granted to Cyto BiologAcal Laboratories to dev prop as supplementary park area for adj medical bldg at 4030 First Ave., Zone R-4 Cond C-13788 CUP 11-18-76