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Development Services

Florence Heights Addition Block 1 Card 3

FLORENCE HEIGHTS ADDITION BLOCK 1 CARD 3.tif FLORENCE HEIGHTS ADDITION BLOCK l OOOBC/J. S::;i. \~-- 1ll7 Card 113 Lots 12 and 22- ZA DENIED as requested CUP/Variance request of TARNKAPPE, INC, to(2) to construct a 16 1 wide driveway on Lot 12, resulting in a distance of 16 1-6" betw. driveways serving the same premises where a min. of 45' is required; (3) said driveway 16 1 wide, where a min. width of 18 1 is requi4ed; (4) to maintain two light poles, 25 1 in height, obs. a 2' front yard where 10' is required; (5) to maintain a guard shack obs. a 0 1 rear yard where 11 is required; (6) to maintain an approx. 20 1 high, 32 sq. ft. ground sign obs. an approx. 11 yard on Lot 17 where lO'is required; and (7) to maintain an approx. 4 sq.ft., 20 1 high ground sign at the rear of Lot 21 where a max. height of4' and max. 2 sq. ft. is permitted, but APPROVED (1) to maintain two parking lots, currently in violation, on Lots 12 and 22, located at 4025-4027 Front Street and 4016-4036 First Ave., MR-BOOB Zone, CN-2A Zone, Mid-Cities Connnunities Planned District. Conditions. C-20775 3/27/92 BZA SUSTAINED and AFFIRMED the decision of the ZA. CONDITIONS. C-20775 7/15/92------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 12 and 22- ZA APPROVED, subj. to conditions, # 1 s (1), (2), (3) (above), (4) to maintain two light poles observing a 2 1-0 11 front yard where 10 1-0 11 is required; (5), (6), and (7) (above), located at 4034-36 First Avenue, 4025-27 and 4031-33 Front Street, MR-BOOB Zone, Mid-City Communities Planned District, Uptown Connnunity Planning Area. Conditions. C-20775 6/18/93