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Development Services

Florence Heights Block 5

FLORENCE HEIGHTS BLOCK 5.tif..... FLG.{El\CE hi:;IGHTi, hO. 2 block 5 Lots 8 & e-l} Permit to ti. "' ifary brightwell to canst res with 5' ~B, aver of blk 23 1 s; 8 ~- Lots 24 & 25- 'ermit to liccry i. Kniazeff to maintain 7'xl8 1 encl. pff/, porch add to sini: fam ees ovec exist gar, gar obs 0 1 side yd;,corch to ous 3' side yd (existing porch now obs 0 1 side yd anci is to he cut back to J'.oide yd); and to end exist. porch in front of bldg. where 4' side yd is re., at 4J37 rtawk ~treet betw Barr Ave. and vourt a;y> ZgJJ_ELR-1 (cQncl 11). Case bo. 5564 4-10--6J Por Lots 14 & 15, Parcel A of DP 10- Permit DENIED to Jean Persons to const 4 1 x 24' deck & 8 1 x 12' den w/washer-dryer space addn to exist sin fam res presently non-conformi1 as to front & rear yds, addn to obs 10 1 6 11 rear yd where 20' is req at 916 Barr Ave betw Hawk St. & Goldfinch St., Zone R-l-5.-~ (~~) ~_ 9_1__ 70_ ~trndL_______ c.9950____ 1-9-10__________ Lots 16 and 17 (Por)- Permit to Avery J. & Marilyn E. Smith to remove exs deck and const a 20'x20' rm addn with walking deck above res in 54% Jot coverage. Addn to obs all yard requirements. 4301 Hawk Street. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-15315 NH. 7-3-78.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------