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Development Services

Florence Heights Block 5 Card 1

FLORENCE HEIGHTS BLOCK 5 CARD 1.tif FLORENCE HEIGHTS BLOCK 5 ,, Lots 6-7- Permit to Gran Gregory to bld 65 lineal feet of ret wall to a max nt of 10' at 401 W. Was hi ton St. Res 1893 11-21-46 Lot- Permit DENIED to J.F. HoltnJiYer to operate wood-working shop in 2 exist stores in basement & por of exist gar at rear at 343-349 W Washington. 8-23-49 8-23-49 Res #3940 Appealed- Appeal GRANTED Res #94822 Amended (5-23-50) Res #98053 ext to exp 6-30-52 (6-14-51) tt tt II 6-30.54 (7352) " " " 6-30-56 (7-7-54) tt tt II 6-30.58 (721-56) II II II 6-30-61 (8-21-58 " " " 6-30-63 (6-23-61) II II II 6-30-65 (8-29-63) II II II 6-30-67 (6-24-65) C-583 Ext to exp 6-30-69 (6-19-67) II II II 6-3070 (78-69) II I II II 6-30n (6-1970) II II II 6-3072 (63071) II II II 6-3073 (7572) II \' II 6-30-74 (6-21 73) trf: A/'ti;;-.&-30-7f.i (7-3-N) Res#3940- Extensions and Council Reso.# 118905,107436,102706,98503, 94822- See C-583 for any additional information C-5'8':3- t..,-Jt,-75-,w &d,.__________________________________________________ "2,,1!;!;:!2f! c,_ Jo- 7 b- {?- /!>-- 7 6)_________ Lots 4 & 5- Land Con~ervation ~ermit to Jan Kunsa, west side Goldfinch 78-LC 1-22-74