Fordsville (Formerly Rancho Mission Ex Mission Lands) Card 1
FORDSVILLE (FORMERLY RANCHO MISSION EX MISSION LANDS) CARD 1.tif FORDSVILLE (Formerly Rancho MiSSioh Ex Mission LaridS) CAR.O #I ~l Permit to Louise storage & repair, Zones C & R-2, C. Ford, owner & Diesel Const Equipment Co., lessee, to conduct sales, of heavy, new & used diesel and const equip, extending into the R-2 Zone, 12C 5050 Market St., Cond 11. Res. No. 7816-A 10-14-53----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit to Louise C. Ford, owner & Diesel Const Equip Co., P. & H. Water Supply Co., & El J. Leon, lessees, which was tabled on march 17, 1961 to use subj parcel for exist yard for heavy equip in connect with exist sales office in C Zone exist pipe storage & office in R-2 Zone, ~r exist contractors eto~age yard in R-2 Zone, at 5050 Market St., Zones C & R-2, Cond'l. Case No. 3862 6-22-61 ;;,_t_1_:-;;;;it-t;-~a-:--~;is_e_F_o-;d-&-~-bil-Oil-Co-;;,--le-;;e-;-;;-;o-;;;-l-bbil-O[i-st;;;;;-(1f___ canopy over pump island on Euclid to obs 16' 6" SB where 25 1 SB is es tab (2) const Fre"?- 12' x 61 rotating Mobil ID sign, pole to obs 9' SB on Euclid and 17' SBon Market St. where 25 1 is estab (3) two 16 1 hi light poles, one obs 9' SB on Euclid and one to obs 17 1 SB on Ml!rket St. where 25 1 is estab and no structure is permitted to encroach into 10 1 planting strip at the NW cor Me.rket & Euclid, Zone M-lA condl C-9103 2-12-69 ABOVE CASE AMENDED 2-17- 69 Portion of Lot l- Permit GRANTED to BENJAMIN PAUL FORD, an individual, owner; CHURCH'S FRIED CHICKEN, INC., a Texas Corporation, permittee, to construct and operate a Planned Industrial Development located at the northwest corner of Market Street and Euclid Avenue, Zone M-1B (proposed M-lA). PID #82-0348 11-15-82