Forest Addition Block 18 Card 1
FOREST ADDITION BLOCK 18 CARD 1.tif?\.R E'.,T HEIGh 'I'S Au DI TI Cl~.6LCCh. 18 CARD #1 Block 18, Lots lJi.15- Permit to L. R.:.,step to erect,md operate a residen,;c, 15 1 rear yard, 1866 fifth Avenue, "one ri-1. Res oi2Q 1-21-% Elk lS, Lots 23-24- fermit to 1,-,s. L. 13. Fowelson to remove house anct const new smaller one, in its place, Kalmia & 33rd Sts., lone H-1. Elk 18, Lots 9-10- rermit to l!,rs. Cecilia L. Swanson to bui1.a double with art u.bove.,,es 082 Lots 9-12 (':.'fs)- Permit to C::ugene Liller to,mild garage at 3236,Juniper St. with a 2 ft. sideyarci add to nFiintcdn re iiire si~eyard._________________________,i~;;;__h_o.2J...._______.....l.,_J~l..... o=i,,./;,41:_________ Lets 1), 14 and all sxcei::t tt1e Lo. 13 ft, d Lot 15- ~ond'l;.erd.t to L.,,. & i-lary E. (2 56 It.) Estep to cons i's.Ct a r siae:1ce wit!! a 5 ft. re,r yard c1nd a 14 ft. sett"ck, 2300-Drd. t,reet.,(es Io. 774,11!,,l 775 12-2-44