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Development Services

Forest Heights Addition Block 11

FOREST HEIGHTS ADDITION BLOCK 11.tif FCdEST HiIl,hTS AD:JITION BLOCK 11 Elock 11, Lots 11-12- Permit to M. J. "",urphy to erect 2 houses:,.nd t;,c.rages at 32nd &--~~J1~1nn1~ppe~r.u.,______________-------~n~e~s'-:"'~9~2....,14_____ 9-27-26 Lots 1-2, blk 11- 11A" Zone suspended. Jeanet.te,:aycott.........----_____ j(395.2..,__-----_--_,,.10=-=2..,5=-2..,6.__~------ -----i,ots 1-z-;;;yernilE'-roT. G.;:;isenberg LO make altera & adds to non-conform sing fmn res 8 1 611 re"'r yard, j units on prop., 54'fu cover, 5215 talmia. N Lot 18 & all 19 & 20- Permit to,iobert L b3.ker to const 15 1x20 1 sLor,ge & pL,qrm addn to exist 20 1x20 1 g1r. with 1 16 11 side yd & 2 16 1' re,r yd, 2330 Bancroft, exist brick w-"] J to remain:i:es l\.o 7893 11-25-53