Fortna Park Addn. Block 19 Card 2
FORTNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 19 CARD 2.tif FORTUNA PARK ADDITION BLOCK 19 r.~~~ (Ip Lots 40 and 41- Permit to James P. & Lauri K. Pierik to const a tll\0-~edrm unit over a four-car garage on the same lot with exis one-story, two-bedrm, sfd (1) to res in 45% coverage.aRax~2)xtax,xa-iaa 3964 Lamont Street, R-2A Zone. Conditions. C-14794. 1-10-78. Lots 30 and 31- Permit to Margaret & Rendell Whittington to const a duplex on lot sfd; duplex to obs 14' rear yard and res in 44% lot coverage. 3924 Lamont Street. tions. C-15299 NH. 7-11-78. Zone R-2A. with exs Condi- Lots 7 & 8- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Irene G. Miller, owner; Sequoia St. Properties Ltd., Purchaser- to construct two one-bedroom (two story) units on same lot with existing single-family dwelling; addition to result in 43% lot coverage where a maximum 40% is permitted, at 3967 Sequoia Street, Zone R-2A. Conditions. CASE 16469 12-19-79 Lots 43 and 44- Agreement with MICHAEL ROYER to maintain a 11' x 13' storage room attached to a single-family dwelling; said storage room to have no plumbing, with interior access from kitchen and garage and separate outside access at the rear, located at 3978 Lamont Street, R-1500 zone. Agreement No. 4859 01/07/91