Fortuna Park Addn. Block 26
FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 26.tif FORTUNA PARK ADDITION BLOCK 26 Lots 1- 12 (Also Lots 1- 18, Block 16)- For Case No. 8889 (N.H.)- See Fortuna Park Addition, Block 16. Permit to American Housing Guild to constr single fam dwell obs 13' rear yd where 20' req. Lots 19-24- Permit to Norman J. & Bess D. Goldman to constr as amended a 20 unit apt bldg provid 13 off-st park spaces in front yd; spaces to obs 11 1 from curb line where 18 1 req; NE corner of Jewell St & La Playa Ave; Zone R-4. Case No. 8960 (N.H.) 11-14-68 Lots 29 & 30- Permit to David A. Anderson to const a onebedrm unit above exs nonconf garage on same lot with exs two units; addn to obs a 3' int side yd {exs bldgs cover 53% of lot) at 3820 Shasta Street. Zone R-2A. Condition. C-14513. 9-6-77.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 33 & 34- Permit to John & Kay Tanner at 3836 Shasta St., Zone R-2A, to constr a 2-story 2-unit apt bldg on the same lot with an existing SFD; to result in 47% lot cover where 40% ls max perm. Condit. C-16178 8/16/79