Fortuna Park Addn. Block 27 Card 2
FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 27 CARD 2.tif FORTUNA PARK ADDITION BLOCK 27 Lot 43 & N of Lot 42- ZA APPROVED request of DON M. & EVA room addn to the existing SFD; addn to obs. a 3'4" interior side yd is reqd at 3874 Kendall St., Zone R-1500, Cond. ~-#2.,1,- L. COOMBS to constr a 182 sq. ft. side yd where a 4 1 interior C-18651 11/27/84 Lots 17 & 18- ZA considered request of MARK L. & MICHELE D. MESKER to constr. an 864 sq. ft. dwelling unit on a lot with 2 existing dwellings and provide l) two parking spaces within the reqd. 15' front yard; 2) to provide 450 sq. ft. of landscaping where (750 sq. ft.) 100% of the reqd. front yard must be landscaped; 3) to constr. 63' of 56" hi retaining wall in the reqd. 15' front yard where a 3' hi wall is the max.; & 4) to provide one tandem space 8 1 211 x 35' where the minimum tandem space is 4 1611 x 35' at 3825-3827 Shasta St., Zone R-1500 & has DENIED as requested but APPROVED Item #4, subj. to conds. C-19217 5/30/86