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Development Services

Fortuna Park Addn. Block 28 Card 1

FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 28 CARD 1.tif FORTUNA PARK ADDITION BLOCK 28,'$a. .-,-~ <- ' Lots 36 & 37- Permit DENIED to Carl H. Bretun to oper welding service & business, repair torches & regulators, 5 h.p. max at 3850 Sequoia St., R-4. APPEAL DENIED Ras.-328 4-12-56 C-328 3-12-56--------------------------------------------------r-------------------------------------- Lots 40-42 & Sly 10' of 43 develop full R-4 usage. AGREEMENT A-671- Permit to Geo & Mary L. Baker to maint present usage & S7646 12-11-59 Nly 15' of Lot 43 & all 44- Permit to Wm. A. Poth, own & Chas A. & Eleanor Ackerman, purch to build as per full R-4 usage. S-647 12-11-59 Lots A & B- Permit to Carl H. & Mary E. Burrows to const a carport & residential patio addn to exist sin fam dwell & gar, addn to obs a 2' side yd where 4' is req at 3810 Crown Point Dr. at the NW cor of its intersection with La Playa Ave., condl c-9207 4-8-69 Lots 39,40,41,42 & 10' of 43- Permit to George & Mary Baker to constr 2-story, 9-unit apt on lot with exist duplex resulting in 51.75i lot coverage where 5~ is perm. at 3866 Sequoia St betw Crown Point Dr and Roosevelt St. Zone R-4. Lots 32 & 33- Permit to Paul T. Sparrow new triplex to result in 42% coverage. 8-23-77. C-19656 N.H. 7-20-71 & Conrad Prebys to const 14 1 x31 '611 carport to 3830 Sequoia Street. Zone R-2A. C-14529.-~--------------------------------------------------------------