Fortuna Park Addn. Block 35 Card 2
FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 35 CARD 2.tif FORTUNA PARK ADDITION BLOCK 35- 2t Lots 39 and 40- Permit to Richard Watts, Robert Syverson, Frederick Cutler and Robert Anderson to const a two-story duplex on a lot with an exs sfd to res in 46.7% lot coverage at 3770 Jewell Street. Zone R-2A. C-15417. 11-2-78. Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Dorothy & Richard HcBrldge at 3737 constr 2-story 1 unit & gar addn on lot with 2 exist units; cover and to prov 4 pkg sp, 2 of which will be compact sps. Yosemit St., Zone R-2A to addn to result in 47% lot Condit. C-15818 3/30/79