Fortuna Park Addn. Block 6
FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 6.tif FORTUNA PARK Addition BLOCK 6 I Ely 56 Lots 22-23- Permit to Jessie M. Hall to erect 4' high fence in SB area at NW cor Fortuna Ave. and Shasta St. Res 6946 1029-52---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 19 and Lot 18 exc the st- Permit to Roy A. Cook to build as permitted by Ordinance, in R-4 Zone, frontage of 372 ' on Jewel St. 1-345 1-23-56 Lot 17 ands of 18- Permit to Roy A. Cook to build as permitt with 37' frontage on Jewel St. s-344 by City Ord in R-4 zone 1-23-56 Lots 22-23- Permit to Mildred A. Roach to erect 50' of 2 16 11 re wall with 3' high solid wood fence on top thereof and 23' of 5' high solid wood fence o s O' front yard where max 3' high fence is perm in req 15' front yard, at 1720 Fortuna Av betw Jewell St and Shasta St. Zone R-2A. c-12060 7-23-73 Amended 9-10-73 Lots 22 and 23--Permit to Thomas H. & Jane D. Gawronski to main ain-tlJ-two-units-pro---- viding no leagal parking,(2)a sustandard parking space 12'-7" i lenght observing a 0'-0" front yard,(3) Approx. 56'-0" of Max 4'-7" high retainin wall w/max 4'-0" high solid wall on top abutting Fortuna Avenue & Approx 83'-0'' of m x 5'-2'' high solid fence abutting Shasta Street, (4) four storage sheds within the requ red froritstreet side and north side yards,(5) three roof overhands;(5a) observing a 0'-0" street side yard (5b) observing 9'-11'' front yard;(5c)observing a 0'-0" rear ya d; (6) a 70 sq.ft.portion of an existing living room, observing a 5'-5'' street side yar (7) a 143 sq.ft. bedroom and bathroom addition constructed by permit 1958 observing a '1" rear yard, at 1730 Rlrtuna Avenue, R-1500zone; map 894. is DENIED as n1quested but APPROVED Item 2; 3,56'-0" of max 4'7" high retaining wall w/4'0" high fence on\top abutting Fortuna Ave;6 & 7 w/con- rlitinn~- Case# C-19970 07-01-88-