Fortuna Park Addn. Map 894 Block 36 Card 1
FORTUNA PARK ADDN. MAP 894 BLOCK 36 CARD 1.tif l <'CR Tm A e ;,d,K ADDITION BIJ CK 36 Lots 39 & 40-?errnit to I. v. Carroll tc bld res within 15 1 front prep-line. Lots 16 & 17-:: errnit to?rancis il. & Ruby L Gerardi to maintain & obtain permit for.J liv, units on lot 2, re:or units served by 71-;3 11 access ct to st,reet (10 1 access re)_J7Zl~29 Jewel St,..'..-4, cond'l. Case Ii JD?.. 2-2.6-60_____ Lots 36, 37 & S 1/2 Lot 38- Z. A. considered app of Guy W. & Lillian Meek to complete constr of 8-unit apt bldg with 2nd fir cantelevered obs 7'6" rearyd where 10' req, at 3754 Shasta St., Zone R-4, and has DENIED the app as requested, but APPROVED 8 1 rearyd, cond'I Case No. 8833 8-30-68 Lots 12 & 14 and all Lot 13- Permit to Elva constr sin fam dwell over 4-car gar on lot with exist duplex; lot contains 4,325 sq. ft. where 1,500 sq. ft. dwell is req, addn to result In 44.2% cov where 40% perm, at 3739 Jewell St., Zone R-2A, cond'I C-11,710 S-4-73 Lot B- Permit APPROVED BY ZA to James N. & Gwendolyn Marinos to remodel first and second floors and extend second floor of an existing single-family dwelling; exis- ting building observes a 10.5 1 rear yard and second floor will observe a 10.5' rear yard where 15' is required, and result in 47'/o Jot coverage where a maximum 40% is permitted (existing building covers 45/o}, at 3722 Crown Point Drive, zone R-2-A. Case 16649 3-28-80