Fortune Park Unit# 8 Card 2
FORTUNE PARK UNIT# 8 CARD 2.tif FORTUNE PARK #8 18-11.$3 (., 7 ~ CARD#2 Lot 765- Permit to Edward A. & Virginia M. Hoff to (1) maintain approx 60' of concrete block retaining wall rnaging in height from 6" to 5' obs O' front yard on Piccard Avjaue and O' street side yard on Del Sol Blvd. whEre a max 3' high retaining wall is permitted in a 15' front yard and 10' street side yard; (2) erect 96' of retaining wall ranging in height from 5' to 7' obs O' street side yard where a max 3' high and max 6' high wall loc 50' from front property line is perm in 10' street side yard, at 1252 Piccard Avenue, northwest cor Piccard Avenue and Del Sol Blvd., Zone R-1-5.- Cond'l C-12,543 N.B 4-5-74 Lot 762- Permit to Gary and Ada Vinyard to construct 14 ft. x 16 ft. patio addition to existing sin fam dwelling; patio to result in 43% coverage where 40% is permitted,at 1228 Piccard Aven)l'e between Just Street and Del Sol Blvd., Zone R-1-5. /,,. C-12,539 N.H. 4-19-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 810- Permit to Nlcaslo D. & Restituta P. Espanol to const an 18 1 xl7'4" recreation roomaddn to an exs sfd; addn to res in approx44% lot coverage at 1136 Dawnell Drive. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-15067 NH. 4-13-78.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 13