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Development Services

Fox Run #1 Card 1

FOX RUN #1 CARD 1.tif FOX RUH UNIT #1 y CARO #1 Lot P- Permit was considered by ZA to TREETOP UNLIMITED- PACIFIC SCENE to erect an on-site subdivision sales office sign, 8 1 X 16' X 16' high, on Lot P, a vacant lot, within 200' on an occupied dwelling unit in another subdivision, where a sign must be on the same lot as the sales office and cannot be within 200 1 of an occupied dwelling unit not in the same subdivision, and observing a O' setback from Genesee Avenue where 4' is required and a maximum 12' high sign is permitted, located at the 3400 block of Genesee Avenue, Zone R-1-5. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED the erection of an 8 1 X 16' X 12' high on-site subdivision sales office sign. Conditions. C-17741 NH 9-23-82 17