Frary Heights Block 10 Card 1
FRARY HEIGHTS BLOCK 10 CARD 1.tif - 0009v-o-oo.s FRARY EEIGhT0 BLi..CK 10 2..06-172..9 CARD 10, Lots 28-)0-S-43 1- il.e.sidence 5' fr p.l. on,i,ui, ce St., lJ' rear yc,,rd, granted t,o-"~;,, Matti ugly, rl,es 6851J lJ-15-26 Lots 7 to 9 & the Ely 20 ft. of Lot 10- 1 e,wit to T. D. Turner t-o convert an existing ge.rage & st,orell!oom at 3163 ~(edwood St. into livin;; uarters,.J1aking the Jrd unit on the lot & 6nl.y 3 ft. between bldgs., subject to apf'l of Bldg. uept. Lots 9 & 10- Permit to ldan Development Co. to provide access to three duplexes on Lots 35- 40 via dedicated alley across Lots 9 & 10 at 3159 Redwood Street. R-2 Zone. Conditions. C-14266. 5-5-77. Lots 47 & 48- William C. & Shirley A. Wilson, 3008-3010 32nd Street. Zone R-2. C-14940. Variance not necessary. 4/27/78. Lot 11 and Portion of Lots 10 and 12- Permit GRANTED to SAN DIEGO YOUTH SERVICES, INC., a California corporation, owner/permittee 1to maintain and operate two existing buildings as an 8-bed, short-term, crisis-intervention, residential facility, located on the south side of Redwood Street, between 31st Street and 32nd Street, Zone R-2. CUP 592-PC 7-29-80 ~ ~\- l)E-N~~D.:l-\'1-SI l Lots 35- 40- Permit APPROVED by A2A to LESLIE BARANYI to construct three single-family homes on Lots 35-40, providing vehicular access across lots 9 and JO, at 3159 Redwood Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions._;; 11.,-:...;- / 7- F s;, ~ 0-/ 7- 8 C-17868 12-17-82 3V