Frary Heights Block 15
FRARY HEIGHTS BLOCK 15.tif.,, y IB4HY ifr,IGni EL,-;t; J 5 ~fO--CO.S 111 172..9 I e Permit to B.D.:'helps, 3141} alm St. to erect res & ic/1r. on Lots 18-24 (Nly}, ex. E 2 ft. of 18), Elk 15, lrary Hts, witn 8 ft. setback from tit~0live St. & 15 ft. setback fraro hntmeg PJ, rtes 764,99 3-24-42 Lots 33 thru 36,. ermit to .:illiam e.; Eohler to con,,t a residence witn 10 1 setback on northeast cor t:utmeg El and J.iutmel < st. rles No 4738 6-14-50 Lots 33 thru 36- Exten:iion of six months from e x;,iration date of.1.e;; /r47J8 granted to Win aim c;,;ohler. No 5115 11-15-50 1-:lyi of 18-21- Permit to N. P. PeCJ.rson to maintain 4 1 concrete-brick fence on top of a concrete retaining wall ranging from 51 to 7 1 2 11 over-all hgt., at 2740,1. s Lots 18 thru 24- at. of 6 mo. from expiration da.e of, 5635 granted to... C. 'alker to erect a:.porx 75 1 of concrete wlk wall 4' high in fr sb line, 27J0 hutmeg f-1. (es 5635 dated 6-27-5]),es ~ o 6092 J 2-26-5] Lots l~-24- l-'ermit to rt. C.::alker to erect 7o ft. concrete block wall 4 ft. in the front setback line on S! of lots, 27 lO t,utm,el(Pl. aes 5635 6-27-51 Lots.33-36- Ferrnit to Zos.eph r. & Kathleeen A .;halen to const sin fam res with 10 ft. setback, NF; corner r;utmeg ~l anri l/utmeg:::;t. des 7)09 4-J-51 Lot::; 33-36- 6 months extBBsion to J. P.,.halen for above rtes 7309 N Lots 18 thru 24- Permit to N. this rrop., new res. to observe 8 1 Paul & ~lemor ~earson 3B (15' req) on:., side lies I'fo. 9233 1 9234. to con.,t res., making#- units on Olive betw Nutmeg.i:-1 & jlst St. 10-14-55