Frary Heights Block 7 Card 1
FRARY HEIGHTS BLOCK 7 CARD 1.tif FRARY HEIGHTS ooo,_,_oa.s BLOCK 7.zo~-112.'t CARD #1 Lots 45 7 46- Permit granted to William and 0ttie Marie Short to emclose and roof a porch at 3236-31st st. provided that it does not extend further out than the exist. porch posts. Res. No. 2308 6-5-47 Lots 1-2 Wly 88'- Permit DENIED Rose Health and Dorthy Heath Cole to convert an exist. bedroom and stg. room to I iving qtrs, with 13 1 sideyacid and 5'2" between dwellings 3243 Grim St. Res. No. 3317 7-28-48 Lots 41 & 42- Permit to Charles & Helen V. Mase to const 3 unit apt bldg. R-2 31st betw Thorn & Redwood, Cond'l Case No. 861 11-19-56 Lots 41 & 42- Request of Charles & Helen V. Mase TABLED to develop three parking spaces to be used by exist duplex, parking to encro 13' into req 15' front yd where parking open to sky is not perm., at 3220-31st. St. betw Thorn & Redwood Sts.m Zone Rxj R-2 Case No. 8118 5-12-67 Lots 5,6, & N5 of 7- Permit to Eddie L. & Rosemary Stanley, xa as amended to convert exist gar to guest house obs a 3411 interior side yd where 4 1 is req & obs a 12 1611 rear yd where 15' is req with a 7 1611 distance maintained adj to the reqtp.l. wherel!0' is req zone R-4 condl C-10216 12-7-70 Lots 13 J 14- Permit to Marietta Gulledge & Gloria L. McArthur to convert exist. garage and storage area in rear of exist single family dwelling to living unit obs0 1 sideyard where 3' is required at 3143 Grim St. betw Redwood and Thorn St. Zone R~. condl c-10701 8-19-71 Jf 1/;)_? 2.,