Frary Heights Block 9
FRARY HEIGHTS BLOCK 9.tif FRARY HEIGHTS OC!)O 'c/0-00.S BLOCK 9 l.0 8-/72-, Lots 45-48-S-57'- Erect addition to Res. to the P.L. on Quince st., granted to Charles A. Kane. Res 67113 1-25-38 Lot 20- Permit to P & J Kaiser {see 1-6659 and 6660) to constr commercial bldg in adj; c-lA zone with less than req parking area. AGREE #1372 3-24-65 Lots 36-44- Permit to Siegfried Heil for carport on 3078 Quince st. Map 940. 157-LC 11-22-74.33