Freeway West
FREEWAY WEST.tif Lot l- z~.t.iconsitlertd apJ) c,l Mobil Oil Corp. to (C-8406) const retail serv sta including t.he following signs and area lighters: (1) two area lighters obs 0' front yd and one area lighter obs 101 front yd adj to Kearny Mesa Rd. where a 25 1 front yd and a 101 lamscape strip is req and no structures are perm; (2) two area lighters obs 01 distance from Claire- mont Mesa Blvd. where a 101 landscape strip is req and no structures are perm; (3) one of the area lighters to have 4' x 81 lighted, double-faced ID sign on top obs 0 1 distance and edge or sign encro 3 1 over public prop on Clairemont Mesa Blvd. where a 10' landscape strip is req and no structures are perm- (C-8407) erect one lighted, doull.e-faced, 12 1 x 30 1 x 72' high ground sign mounted on two posts; posts obs 71 and 3' side yd; edge of sign obs 0 1 side yd where 12 1 side yd is req, at 8380 Clairemont Mesa Dr., NW cor Clairemont Mesa Dr. &. Kearny Mesa Rd., Zone M-lA and fl88406 was in part APPROVED and in part DENIED as follows: (1) APPROVED two area lighters obs 0 1 front yd and one area lighter obs 101 front yd adj to Kearny Mesa Rd.; (2) APPROVED two area lighters obs 0 1 distance from Clairemont Mesa Blvd.; (J) DENIED one of the area lighters to have a 41 x 8 1, lighted, double-faced, ID sign on top obs 0 1 distance and edge or sign encro 3 1 over public prop on Clairemont Mesa Blvd.; but APPROVED said sign with center line of sign pole obs 101 distance from Clairemont Mesa Blvd. C-8407 was APPROVED, with one lighted, double-faced, 121 x 30 1 x 72 1 high, ground sign mounted on two posts; posts obs 7 1 and 31 side yd; edge of sign obs 0 1 side yd. Cases No. 8406 &. 8407 11-17-67 -------------------------------------------- 2..