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Development Services

Friars Gardens Card 2

FRIARS GARDENS CARD 2.tif FRIARS GARDENS a.11-1,13~ Lot 1- The Asst. Z.A. has cons. the AMENDED req. of Lincoln Property Company, Inc. to erect one free-standing, ID double-faced, int. illum. sign, 5' x 8 1 (40 sq. ft.) where the comb. area of all wall and free-standing signs on the prem shall not exceed 20 sq. ft., sign to obs 5' front setback where 15' is req; 6474 Friars Rd. betwn. Via Los Combres and Fashion Valley Rd. Zone R-3, and APPROVED and AMENDED for sign to be loc. on Lot 1 obs 5' front setback and min. 8 1 distance westerly from the exist. driveway, per plans on file in the Office of The z.A. of the Plng. Dept. Cond'l c-11856 4-11-73 Lot 2- Permit to Property Capital Trust and Lincoln-San Diego Property Co. No. l to relocate exs 5'211x8 1 2 11 wall sign, sign to obs a 5' front yard and a max 20 sq. ft. sign as perm by Case 11856 on Lot 2. 6466 Friars Road. R-3, C=l5068. 5-16-78,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1