Fries Tract Card 1
FRIES TRACT CARD 1.tif J'.l.,JII''-"........_....- FRIES TRACT.23'- 172...3-.... '--......... CARD #1 (Parcel 1) Lots I and 2- Permit was considered by ZA to FEDMART PROPERTIES, INC., FORMERLY KIM REALTY, INC., owner; and DAYTON-HUDSON CORPORATION, ITS TARGET STORES DIVISION, lessee, to (l)modify existing 60 1 high sign located behidd auto center, but fronting on Othello Street, to result in a 14 1 X 14', 196 sq. ft. sign, 60' high; (2a) maintain existing 3' X 57', 171 sq. ft. sign, 12' high for car wash; (2b) maintain one 144 sq. ft. sign, 30' high observing O' setback, both fronting on Convoy Street; (3) modify one existing 144 sq. ft. sign, 30' high observing O' setback on Convoy Street, located at 8001 Othello Street, Zone M-IA. DECISION: (I) DENIED; (2a) APPROVED; (2b) APPROVED; (3) APPROVED, subject to conditions. C-17823 11-19-83 BZA- APPEAL DENIED AS REQUESTED, but the conditions imposed by ZA modified to read: 1. That the existing 60 1 high ground sign may be refaced, but shall be removed by March, 1983, in comp! lance with the on-premise sign ordinance; 2. That plans shall be submitted to and approved by the ZA prior to issu:)nce of any permits; 3. That the project shall comply with all requirements of Building Inspection Department. Apri 1 4, 1983. Lots 1 & 2 & Lot 2, Fedmart Tract #2 & Lot 1, Fedmart Unit #1- Request MANAGEMENT COMPANY/NEVADA INVESTMENT HOLDINGS, INC,, A NEVADA CORP., to sign on Kearny Mesa Road TABLED, Applicant withdrew request, located at & Kearny Mesa Rd., in the M~lA Zone. C-20726 of SUNBELT add a third ground 7803 Othello Ave,, 4/3/91 NH