F.T Scripps Addition
F.T SCRIPPS ADDITION.tif, T. scaIPPS ADDITIOR Lot D (n~y \& 90'),_tQ divide proper~y tntc;> four parcels, each_j:'orj;y seven and ' wid~ to it;2 ~J,rfam\dwe on ea~hJ.et, and nave- applied f'or a-Zone Variance under APplic~ on #2811, dated-3-45 AGREE #359 5-31-45___,;;._~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E of Lot 8- Permit to Richard & Mary Betl Jernigan to constr add'l unit on lot with recreation room, bath & bedroom on first level with garage at 628-630 Westbourne.Zone R-2.. AGREE #1824 1-26-73 1].,,