F.T Scripps Addn. Block 11 Card 2
F.T SCRIPPS ADDN. BLOCK 11 CARD 2.tif F.T. SCRIPPS ADDITION BLOCK 11 Lot 3 & Ely 50' of 2- 2nd & final ext of 6 mo to ABOVE side yd, 15' rear yd, SW cor Genter & Draper. 6 mo ext to 1-24-56 C-673 io day ext to exp 2-24-57 Ext to exp J 6-24-57 Card #2. to erect churcn w/65i cover, 10' Res. 9386 1-18-56 Ely Lot 6- Permit to Margaret E. Hansen, own & John c. Neuwirtn, purcn to const sin fam res, making 2 units on parcel, split prior to 12-5-54, 616 Arenas st., R-2, architecture appearance to be approved by Z.A. before bldg perm. C-3448 7-8-60---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Easterly 80' of Lot 1- Permit APPROVED by ZA to GENTER COURT, a General Partnership, to allow for reconstruction of five existing nonconforming units and garage to their original configuration in the event that such buildings are in the future damaged or destroyed by fire, explosion, act of God or act of the public enemy, at 603-611 Genter Street, Zone R-2. Condition. C-17793 NH 10-8-82