F.T Scripps Addn. Block 3
F.T SCRIPPS ADDN. BLOCK 3.tif \\)..._, :.'.,,,. P.1'. SCRIPPS ADDITION BLOCK 3 Por Lot 4- Permit to Henry J. Deardorff, 4640 0bio St. to build res, variance ord. 13294 Res. 74010 4-29-41 W50' of Lot 4- Permit to Mrs. Harriet A. Price, 556 Genter St. to build two sin fam res & garages on 1 lot eacb res on a parcel approx 50' x 75' Res. 74728 7-29-41 Wly 50' of Sly 70' of Lot 3- Permit to Patrick & Jananne Kennedy to move in a res & maint a 10' rear yd, 536 Genter St. Res. 1879 11-7-46 w of Lot 1- Permit to Wm. DuMoulin to const a duplex on said parcel, NE cor of Genter St. and La Jolla Blvd., providing a 15' SB is obs on La Jolla Blvd. & tbe req SB on Genter Res. 3118 5-5-48 E of Lot 2- Permit to Holland P. Seymour to construct sin fam res on N side of lot, facing Sea Lane, making 2 units on parcel, split prior to 12-5-54 at 530 Genter St., Zone R-2. C-2491 5-8-59 Wly 50' of Nly 70' Lot 3- Permit to Roy D. & Lavonne E. Keele to const sin fam res obs 12' rear yd (15' req) 43i cover (4o;, perm) on Sea Lane betw La Jolla Blvd. & Cuvier St., R-2 on aparcel split prior to 12-5-54 C-37o6 &7 12-2-60-----------------4 e,