F.T Scripps Addn. Block 4 Card 1
F.T SCRIPPS ADDN. BLOCK 4 CARD 1.tif,,~ ""' ',,.,-. 1.T. SCRIPPS.ADDITION BLOCK 4 Card /fl E46 of Lot 4- Permit to Francis M. Goodrich, to erect a duplex and gar in Zone R-2 at 611 Genter St., Res. 69797 8-15-39------------------------- ~------------------------------------------------------------ w46.9 or Lot 4- Permit to Jean Herman to erect a 2nd res on said parcel, 551 Genter St. Res. 2893 2-25-48 Lot 2- Permit to John o. Knight, own & John & Mary LoBay, pur to divide said lot into 2 parcels, each 50' x 140 1 & to const 2 living units on each, S side of Genter St., 100' E ot La Jolla Blvd. Res. 3oi8 4-7-48 W50' or Lot 7- Permit to Helen G. & Chas J. Norris to const 2nd res, 520 Arenas St. Res. 4008 7-13-49 Wly 52' of Lot 6- Permit to Grace W. Mehren to canst 2nd unit on lot div after zoning at 536 Arenas. Res. 5260 1-24-51 Lot 1- Permit to John o. Knight, own & H.Bruce Weston, pur to div into 2 approx equal parcels & erect 2 liv units on each parcel, on SE cor of Genter st. & La Jolla Blvd, condl Res. 5543 5-16-51 Lot 1- H. Bruce Weston appealed to CC- ZC decision overruled in respect to condition for Jd1wrt:q an easement for widening of La Jolla Blvd. CC 1025n 6-7-51