F.T Scripps Addn. Block 4 Card 2
F.T SCRIPPS ADDN. BLOCK 4 CARD 2.tif \V ,.... '. ' ". P. 'f. SCRIPPS ADDITION ~... BLOCK 4 Card f2_ Lot 8- Permit to John o. Knight, own & Russell F. & Frances D. Kimball, pur to divide into 2 parcels, each 70' x 100' & erect 2 liv units on ea parcel, on NE cor La Jolla Blvd. & Arenas st., condl Res. 5544 5-16-51 Lot 8- Russell F. & Frances D. Kimball APPEALED to CC- ZC decision overruled regarding req that easement be granted for the widening of La Jolla Blvd. cc 102747 6-21-51 Ely 50' of Lot 7- Permit to Howard & Lillian Dudley to const sin fam res making 2 units on lot split prior to 12-5-54, 530 Arenas St., R-2 zone. C-2470 5-1-59 Lot 6 eac therefrom the Wly 52' & tne Sly 80' of E~y 38 1- Permit to Adolpnus L. Martinez to const bedrm addn to rear of exist dwell addn to cbs 15' rear yd where 20' rear yd is req at 544 Arenas St., betw La Jolla Blvd. & Draper Ave., Zone R-2. c-8472 12-15-67 W 46.8 of Lot 4- Permit to Bill Uncapher to construct 2nd story rec rm addn with bar sink to exist res at rear of lot at 553 Genter St. Zone R-2... .. AGREE #1737 2-10-72 Westerly 46.8 1 of Lot 4- AGREEMENT to BILL UNCAPHER to construct a storage/dark room addition with bar sink to garage of rear unit, at 551 & 553 Genter, Zone R-2. AGREEMENT #2642 2-24-81