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Development Services

F.T Scripps Addn.Block 17

F.T SCRIPPS ADDN.BLOCK 17.tif 1','!, SCRIPPS ADDITIOR BLOCK 17 Lots 1 & 2 & 5 & 6- Two houses on each lot (see R/S Map in Subd. of 1941). Granted to F.~. Scripps, Inc. Ord. 13294. Res. 73767 4-1-41 Lot 6, s6o'- Ord 12321 suspended to allow res at IE cor of Draper & Westbourne Ste , in Zone R-2, SB 10' on Westbourne St., Granted to o.c. Tuttle by C.H. Bischof. Res. 76003 1-20-42 Sly 6o of Lot 6- Permit to Mrs. Cordelia Rannells Van Dalsem to const patio addn to exist sin fam res, res obs 10' SB on Westbourne St. permit by Res. 76003, patio addn to obs O' SB on Westbourne St. (35' normally req) 7005 Draper Ave., Zone R-2. C-3873 2-24-61 Sly. 60 ft. Lot 6, F.T. Scripps, addition to La Jolla Park- AZA APPROVED request of LAWRENCE AND WILMA VAN DALSEM to maintain a roof mounted satellite antenna currently in violation where such use is permitted by Satellite Antenna Permit only, located at 7005 Draper Avenue, R-3000 Zone. Coastal Zone. Conditions. C-20814 ll-14-91NH