F.T Scripps Addn.Block 7 Card 1
F.T SCRIPPS ADDN.BLOCK 7 CARD 1.tif \'-\ ",.;,.,..;,.,.,. '..,, ~ ~,, ",,.:. ',, '. P.'f. SORIPP1S.ADDITIOI' BLOCK 7 Lots 6 & 7- Permit to E.P. Pletcher- Ord. 9723 suspended to allow erection of store building at La Jolla Blvd. & Westbourne. Res. 53011 2-10-30 Lot 5 1 right-or-way adj & the Wly 10' of Lot 10, Blk 8- Permit to Selby c. & Grace I. Scott to divide said parcel into 2 lots, each 50' x 163', facing Westbourne St., East of La Jolla Blvd. & permit two living units on each. Res. 3161 5-19-48 Por Lot 4 & Por Lot l of Blk 8- Permit to Helen H. Sweetman, pur & Chas. E. & Rutb. B. Nettleton, own to erect duplex on parcel land not split at zoning & por L.A. & S.D. Beach R.R. Co. R/W lying betw (legal on file) at s side Fern Glen approx 200' E of La Jolla Blvd., zone R-2. Res. 5996 9-28-50 Lota l & 2- Permit to Evang. Luth. Church to use for auto park lot in connec with church across st., max 2 rummage sales & 6 teas per yr, SE cor La Jolla Blvd. & Fern Glen. Ext of 6 mos- Rea. 81o6 Rea. 7742 9-16-53 Lot 6 exc ny 8o 1- Permit to Russells. & Dorothy s. Mac Kenzie to conat 12' x 20' gar with O' side & rear yds not located within tbe rear 3~ of lot at 512 Westbourne St. Rea. 9288 11-9-55 Lot 5, Wly 50'- Permit to Marion Brown to const sin fam dwell resulting in 3 liv units on 8170 sq ft lotb where min 9000 sq ft of lot area is req at 522 Westbourne St., betw La Jolla Blvd. & raper St. Zone R-2. c-8Jl0 1-19-68