Furlow Heights#1 Block 3
FURLOW HEIGHTS#1 BLOCK 3.tif FURLOW HEIGHTS NO. l BLOCK 3 Lot l- Ramon H. & Ann M. Akers- to constr 2' cha.in link fence on top of exist blk wall making total ht 5', fence to obs O' setback; at 3104- 53rd St (denied plastic fence) Condl. Case No. 3441 7-1-60 Lot 18- Richard K. & Erasmia L. Smith- DENIED to maintain & obtain permit for exist carport structure; support posts obs req 15' setback from Spruce St; roof cantilevers 10' beyond support post, making roof obs 5' setback; 3126- 43rd St, R-1; & carport be re110ved within 60 days. Case No. 4349 8-25-6.l.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 12- Permit to Robert & Rose Pacheco to convert garageto kitchen on par w/attached patio in front 70~ of lot obs 3' side yd; exist kitchen to be removed & entry from patio to dwell closed off, where 5' side yd is req; 5219 Spruce St, Zone R-1. Case No. 5051 6-29-62-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1- Permit to R. H. Akers to const 3' chain I Ink fence on top 3' hi wal 1 in SB area, 3104- 53rd St., cond'l. Case No. 1232 APPEALED 1st & 2nd conditions but Z.A. dee. upheld 5-27-57 6-20-57------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 10- AGREEMENT with Louis Cruz to construct a two-story addition to an existing single-s story, single-family dwelling; salid addition containing a family room, bedroom, full bath on second floor with interior access to kitchen via stairs and exterior access to rear yard, located at 5203 Spruce Street, Rl-5000 ZONE. AGREEMENT #5161 10/18/91 z.:s