Furlow Heights#1 Block 6
FURLOW HEIGHTS#1 BLOCK 6.tif FURLOW HEIGHTS #I:aocK6 ~ Lot 15- Permit to Ralph Graves to const 41 plckett fence (50% open) on ret wall under construction, max ht 41, 3250 Easy St. Res # 4314 11-30-49 Lot,0- Permit to C. Jas & Marquerite Tyson to erect 13 1 x 30' gar with 01 sldeyd 51' back fr prop line, 3212 Easy St. Res# 8475 9-15-54 Lot 20- ZA APPROVED CUP request of THAO TON, to construct a one-story, guest quarters addition to an exisitng one-car, detached garage on a lot improved with a one-story, single-family dwelling, where such use is permitted by CUP only, located at 3212 Easy Street, Rl-5000 Zone. Conditions. C-20807 7-19-91