Furlow Heights#2 Block 10 Card 1
FURLOW HEIGHTS#2 BLOCK 10 CARD 1.tif EURI,Q; Hr:IGHT1 WUT r::;o, 2!/Jock 1Q ()C')%5JC-CO..S,b.. ft~ CARD ~i. Por tots 12 & 13- Permit to Dennstedt Co to sell new & renewed elec ahliances, 3087- 54th St,, cond'l, v Res ko 6546 6-25-52 W 30' Lot 12- Permit to Dennstedt Inv. Co & 3 . Fra:;er to erect j signs, aggregate f,15 of 4$,25 s, ft,, 5405 4dwd:Ct, 'v Res No 6662 7-23-5;2 Lot 12 exc,; 30 1- Permit to Dennstedt Inv. Co,, owner &,:. O. beckham & N, V. Inver"'n, lessees, to erect add 1 1 nt:ion sign,:::ppfoX 36 sq ft in area, rr,akini; total of approx 60 't ft, SE cor n,edwood & 54th Sts v Res ifo 7126 2-4-53 Lot 13- Permit to Dennstedt In estment Co., owner; &. 'i:upper,,are Horue h-,.rties Plastic, lessee to use exist store L}dg. on:.ily 54 1 oi' lot for off., ret:lil sales, & limited distrdbution wnere restricted retail usage is permitted, at 30~1 54tn St. betw Krenning St. & Redwood St., Zone RC \,, c-4137 6-9-61 Lot 11 {Wly 141.95')- Permit to Lloyds. & Barbara C, Haglund, purcn & Vera B, Hurt, owner, to use exist dwell for storage & distribution to retailers of packaged food snacks, tobaccoes, confections, & sundries, witn no employees on premises except applicant Husband & Wife (restricted comm used perm) at 3071 54tn st. Zone RC con:11 \ C-5288 11-13-62