Garden Grove Block A
GARDEN GROVE BLOCK A.tif GARDEN GROVE BLOCK A ~ Lot 5- Permit to John Sedlack to erect sing f'cUll fes on par split out after zpning on E side 46th 3t. betw A & C 'its., Record of Sllrvey to be filed, Res. #8802 3/16/55 Lot ~ of Lot 4 and N--} of Lot 5- Permit to Blann R. & Mildred W. Frye ' to const a gllr on the north of Lot 5 to be used in conjunction woth existing res on,the g of Lot 4 AGREEMENT #860 L/ Oct., 10, 1955 lot 10- Permit to Daniel Laurence Castro to erect 71' of 8 1 a O' int sd yd at 1120 Cotton Street. Zone R-2. Condition. high chain link fence to obs C-14551 NH. 8-12-77.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------